Your Orthopaedic surgeon shall determine the best treatment modality for you and whether a knee replacement surgery would be beneficial in your case.
Knee replacement surgeries are carefully planned surgeries between you, your Joint Replacement Surgeon and his team.
A carefully structured plan is followed to make sure the outcome after the surgery is the best.

Before the Surgery
Once it has been decided that TKR/UKR are the best options for you, the following is done:
A complete surgical evaluation is done by your Orthopaedic surgeon which includes Pre-operative X-Rays of the knee, previous history of surgeries and a history of current medical status. This will be followed by an assessment of your knee joint by your surgeon and discussion regarding the knee replacement surgery that he intends to perform and procedure.
Then, a thorough clinical examination by a Medical Physician or Internist to assess and get you to your best fitness to undergo this surgery. Various investigations are done to assess your clinical status to achieve optimal results. Your whole plan is explained to you along with postoperative rehabilitation procedures.
The Day
You will be admitted one day prior or in the morning before your surgery for final preparations. The resident doctor shall come and explain the medications which shall be given to you and clear any doubts you may have. The anaesthetist shall explain the procedure of anaesthesia and complete their pre-op check-up.
The leg which is to be operated upon is scrubbed (cleaned thoroughly) and shaved in preparation for surgery.
Intravenous Fluids and Antibiotics are given during and after the procedure.
Once the anaesthesia has been given and confirmed the operation begins. Your surgeon will open your joint and remove the damaged parts of the bone and cartilage from the joint and replace it with new Implants/Prosthesis which are fixed onto the bone with special bone cement thus regaining the smoothness of the joint and relieving pain and regaining function.
The surgery does not take more than 60 to 90 minutes to complete, but you shall be in the Operation theatre for nearly 2.5 to 3 hours for the preparation and to allow high precision surgeries.
Once the surgery is completed you shall be taken to the recovery room where all your vital functions, like Heart rate and Blood pressure, are monitored. You may be awake during this part. Once you’re deemed stable and awake you shall be transferred back into your room where your relatives shall be waiting.
The surgical incision is wrapped in a sterile dressing to prevent any infection. A constant intravenous line providing Pain Killers and Antibiotics shall be in place. Generally liquid to soft diet is started once the anaesthesia effect wears off. You can consume normal food after 6 hours.
Once the anaesthesia completely wears off you should start moving your toes and foot which helps in quicker recovery and prevents blood clots.
Most patients can stand up with support on the same day after 4-6 hours of the surgery and start walking under the supervision of a Physiotherapist.