Symptoms of Hip Arthritis

  • Hip pain while walking, running, sitting down, standing up or at rest
  • Stiffness of the hip joint
  • Difficulty in moving the joint
  • Difficulty in tying shoe laces or trimming toe nails
  • Muscles aches and pains
  • Loss of flexibility

Diagnosing your condition

Diagnosis of hip arthritis is normally made clinically by your surgeon along with the help from some X rays  and blood tests.

The most important help to diagnose the condition is a simple X-Ray.

Treatment Options

Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, all patients do not require surgery immediately. Some early stages can be managed by…..

  • Lifestyle Modification – Activities which are strenuous on the hip joint are to be avoided, weight reduction helps in decreasing the load on the joint and can help decrease the pain during movements.
  • Physical Therapy – Early physical therapy has been shown to improve long term pain relief and helps maintain overall health of the joint and the person. Daily exercise at home can also be performed once the patient learns the correct method of the exercise.
  • Medication – There are several medications which can be used for the treatment of arthritis. NSAIDs are the most common drugs which are used for the treatment of osteoarthritis.
  • Surgery – If the pain and decreased movements become unbearable and can no longer be tolerated, surgery becomes inevitable. Hip Replacement surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in India and the world. In this surgery, the joint is replaced by artificial devices (prosthesis)