Mr Thakorebhai Desai - 77 Years - Goregaon, Mumbai
I had been experiencing terrible knee pain for many years and the pain had been progressively getting worse. In 2013, I met Dr Ashit Shah at Advanced Multispecialty hospital and he advised me a Total Knee Replacement operation (TKR).
I was also afraid. I had heard horror stories of people who underwent Knee Replacement Surgery, had severe pain, never recovered, and were either bedridden or unable to walk unaided. For 6 months, I avoided any mention or decision on the surgery.
In 2013, at the insistence of my daughter Dr. Jigisha Desai who is a Director of ADVANCED SPECIALTY HOSPITALS I re-visited the idea that I may need surgery, as by then the pain was unbearable. So looking at my condition Dr Ashit Shah decided to operate one knee first and other side later on.
From that first meeting itself, Dr. Ashit Shah made me feel comfortable, answered all my questions. He explained the entire process of the surgery. He was straightforward and transparent about the pain, the aftercare and the entire process. He put me at ease completely.
The entire team including Anaesthetist, Physiotherapist, Junior doctors, Nursing staff of Advanced hospital were so caring and looks after me so well that I got up and running in no time. As I recovered from the first knee operation, I planned my next knee 1 year after that i.e. in 2014.
Today 5-year post-surgery, I have no pain, am very independent in my activities, I am able to walk with absolutely no difficulty. My life has taken a complete 180-degree turnaround. Today I travel from Mumbai to Gujrat by train all alone.
You will always have more reasons not to do TKR than to do it.
Dr. Ashit Shah is the reason you should do it, blindly.
My family and I are extremely grateful to him for all that he has done.
Dr. Ashit may you always be as kind and as caring and may you continue to a work your magic to turn people’s lives around.
Thanks and regards Dr. Jigisha Desai Director Advanced hospital